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Smoking Cessation


Why? Smoking kills. Smoking enslaves. Smoking will make your skin look older. More importantly, smoking will take you away from everything and everybody whom you love.

Smoking is by far one of the biggest mistakes that you can make in life. Don't think that statistics don't apply to you!

The easiest way to avoid smoking is not to start, because smoking is highly addictive, physiologically and psychologically. If you are already addicted to smoking, it will be hard to stop, but it's worth putting up a good fight. If you want to stop smoking you may need help from your primary physician and from other resources like: www.smokefree.gov, 1-800-QUIT-NOW

New York State Smokers’ Quitline (866)697-8487 Fax-to-Quit Fax Referral Form available for health care workers to refer patients to the support staff of the New York State Smokers’ Quitline
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